
Logo von Bürger schaffen Wissen - Die Citizen Science Plattform


mit:forschen! (Titel) formerly "Bürger schaffen Wissen" is the leading platform for citizen science in Germany and addresses scientists and scholars, interested citizen-researchers, and the general public. The platform has been online since April 2014.


“Citizen science describes the engagement of people in scientific processes who are not tied to institutions in that field of science. Participation can range from the short-term collection of data to the intensive use of leisure time in order to delve deeper into a research topic together with scientists and/or other volunteers. Although many volunteer scientists do have a university degree, this is not a prerequisite for participating in research projects. However, it is important that scientific standards are adhered to. This pertains especially to transparency with regard to the data collection methodology and the open discussion of the results.” (Bonn et al., 2016, p. 13; ).


In June 2021, a total of 162 citizen science projects were presented, 140 of them active. Whereas at first natural-science projects created the most platforms for joint research, more and more projects on the themes of society, history and genealogy have emerged. Jewish Places has been presented there since June 2021: Jewish Places | mit:forschen! (

Furthermore, the platform offers diverse programs for sharing information and experience, including events, training workshops, thematic working groups, and the annual Citizen Science Forum. Mit:forschen is a joint project of Wissenschaft im Dialog (Science in Dialog, WiD) and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin . It is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)..


Points of contact:  

Wiebke Brink
(Wissenschaft im Dialog gGmbh)

Dr. Susanne Hecker
(Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)

about the platform | mit:forschen! ( (en)