Jewish Places thrives off the contributions and support of many dedicated users. We eagerly invite you to share your knowledge about historical and contemporary Jewish places with us.
You do not need extensive background knowledge to contribute to Jewish Places. The address, title, and category of a place are enough to create a basic entry for it. Maybe you already know some interesting local stories that you would like to post on our website. Or maybe you want to take an exploratory tour of your hometown and share what you find with other users.
It is only thanks to an ever-growing network that we can live up to our goal of representing the diversity of Jewish life on an interactive map. With your help and that of many other interested contributors, we can build a platform that draws on a wide range of research sources. You also can edit contributions by other users, allowing you to assist each other on your search for information.
Join the community and help us build an easy gateway to local Jewish history. Let us come together to collect valuable knowledge from the available sources and combine it all into one appealing map. In the spirit of Creative Commons, we want knowledge to be as free-flowing and accessible as possible.
We look forward to your contribution!
Do you have questions about Jewish Places? Try reading through our FAQs, where we have prepared plenty of answers for you. Or write us an email. We welcome your thoughts!