Young man looks into a book, next to him a young man also looks into the same book.

1. General

a) Operator and subject

The entity responsible for gathering, processing, and using your personal data as defined by the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) is:


Jewish Museum Berlin Foundation

Lindenstrasse 9-14

10969 Berlin, Germany


b) Overview: Purposes of data processing

In the framework of the read-only use of this website, personal data are gathered for the following purposes, which are described in detail below under sections 2 to 5:

2. Transmitting online content

3. Protecting our technical systems

4. Improving our offerings

5. Transmitting to third-party services


We offer you other services in addition to the informational use of our website. In order to provide these, we require further personal data from you. These services, described in detail below, include:

6. Newsletter

7. Separately initiated communications

8. Jewish Places user account


Additional features:

  • Applying for membership (registration)

  • Email forms to send additional registrations,


c) Your rights

You have – with individual exceptions – a right to request information from us at any time about your data stored with us, as well as a right to have data corrected, locked, or deleted, if applicable.

Furthermore, in the case of declarations of consent, you have the right to revoke your consent.

If you object to the collection, processing, or use of your data in accordance with this data protection declaration, either in whole or in respect to individual measures, or if you wish to revoke your consent, you can send your objection or revocation by email, fax, or letter to the following contact details:

dacuro GmbH
Thomas Stegemann
External Data Protection Officer

Otto-Hahn-Straße 3
69190 Walldorf, Germany
Tel. +49 (0) 6227 78 93 930
Fax + 49 (0) 6227 78 93 939


We will evaluate your claim in light of the individual case and either provide you with the information or justify the refusal of the information in writing.


d) Supervisory authority

Of course you also have the additional right to complain to the responsible supervisory authority.


2. Transmitting online content

a) Purpose and data

For the purpose of transmitting the web page you have retrieved, the following information is typically transmitted by your browser (as the content of an HTTP request), among other data:


  • Your IP address, i.e. a sequence of digits that identifies your current computer connection

  • The website you have retrieved

  • Information on the browser and operating system you are using, and

  • Cookies. Our website also uses cookies, which are used to make our Internet presence more user-friendly, more effective, and more secure. Cookies are small files that are saved on your drive and store the specific settings and data about the exchange between your browser and our system. In addition, cookies enable us, for example, to keep track of the frequency of page views and the overall navigation. We would like to point out that some of these cookies are transferred from our server onto your computer system; these are mostly “session cookies.” What distinguishes session cookies is that they are automatically deleted from your hard drive after the browser session. Other, “persistent,” cookies remain on your computer system and enable us to recognize your computer system upon your next visit. Of course you may reject cookies at any time as long as your browser permits this. If you do not accept cookies, the functionality of our website might be restricted.


b) Legal basis

The aforementioned data categories are required to transmit the content you have retrieved and to optimize its display. This processing occurs on the basis of our legitimate interest in transferring the content to you upon request.


c) Data transmission and access permissions

Access rights are based on our respective internal authorization concept and the corresponding written contractual agreements with our service providers.


d) Duration of storage

The data are not retained in storage for this purpose after the completion of the transmission procedure (although they may be stored for the purposes described below).


  3. Protecting our technical systems


a) Purpose and data categories

In addition, the data categories already specified above are gathered:

  • Your IP address, i.e. a sequence of digits that identifies your current computer connection

  • The website you have retrieved

  • Information on the browser and operating system you are using, such as their names and versions, and

  • In some cases the page from which you came to us (this is known as “referrer information”)


b) Legal basis

This storage occurs on the basis of our legitimate interest in being able to conduct analysis in the event of errors in and attacks on our technical systems.


c) Data transmission and entities with access permissions

Access rights are based on our respective internal authorization concept and the corresponding written contractual agreements with our service providers.


Duration of storage

Unless a security incident is detected, the data described is deleted within seven days, otherwise as soon as no further legitimate interest in their continued storage exists.


e) Your rights

In principle, there are entitlements to information and correction with regard to the aforementioned data categories. However, as a rule, the connection to a person is primarily identifiable via the IP address. At the same time, we are required to ensure that information is only provided to persons who are actually authorized to receive it. In order to obtain information, proof must be furnished that the information is associated with you.


  4. Improving the website (through visitor statistics)

Our website uses Matomo, an open source web analytics service published under the GNU General Public License (retrievable at, more specifically for privacy matters:, hereinafter “Matomo”). Matomo uses a cookie to analyze your user behavior when visiting our website. The cookie, which is stored on your device when visiting the website, also stores and transmits your abbreviated IP address. In other words, when the data is transmitted to our service, the IP address is anonymized in such as way that we cannot identity you – as a visitor to our website. The analysis serves the exclusive purpose of optimizing and further developing our website.


a) Purpose and Data Categories

To improve our online offerings, we evaluate how the website is used. To that end, we rely on the following information, in particular the HTTP request previously mentioned under a):


In some cases the page from which you came to us (this is known as “referrer information”)

  • Your IP address, i.e. a sequence of digits that identifies your current computer connection

  • The website you have retrieved

  • In some cases the page from which you came to us (this is known as “referrer information”)

  • In addition, we track a pseudonymous identifier (an HTTP cookie) that is stored on your website upon visiting us. This enables us to recognize our users.


b) Legal basis

The aforementioned data categories are processed on the basis of our legitimate interest in improving our website.


c) Data transmission and access permissions

Access rights are based on our respective internal authorization concept and the corresponding written contractual agreements with our service providers.


d) Duration of storage

The personal data are immediately anonymized after they are gathered.


e) Your rights

You can prevent the installation of the cookie by adjusting your browser settings accordingly. However, we would like to point out that if you do so, you will not be able to use all features of our website to their full extent. Furthermore, you may prevent the collection of data that is generated by the cookie and in reference to your use of this website (including your IP address), as well as the processing of said data, by using the Matomo opt-out feature. In that case, your browser creates an “opt-out cookie” that makes it impossible for Matomo to collect usage data. Please note: if you delete your browser’s cookies, this opt-out cookie will also be deleted.

Click here to withdraw consent from Matomo:



In general, there is no right to rectification, disclosure or deletion because the data is anonymized after it has been collected and, as a rule, it is no longer possible for us to establish a link to the person requesting the information by reasonable means. However, you remain welcome to send us such a request. In that event, we will evaluate whether we can meet this request after all in this specific instance, or otherwise send you a written justification as to why we cannot.


5. Transmitting to third-party services


a) Share feature

Our website also contains links to the platforms



We do not transmit data directly to the servers of the respective providers. You may visit the Jewish Museum Berlin’s pages on these platforms, where you have the opportunity to find out about diverse activities and topics related to the Jewish Museum Berlin, comment on them, and exchange thoughts with us and others. We value your opinion – which is why we welcome constructive comments that contribute to an exciting dialog. In this regard, we hope for mutual respect and request that you abide by our netiquette.


b) Embedded content

Embedded videos from the YouTube and Vimeo portals are displayed on our website. If these services are used, the collection and use of the data is subject to the respective privacy policies. You can find links to these services’ data privacy terms and conditions below:



For the videos from the YouTube portal, cookies are set by the provider YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. These cookies have a maximum validity of two years.


We have also embedded the cartography service provider Mapbox for the visualization of the map. If this service is used, the collection and use of data is subject to the respective privacy policies.

You can find a link to this service’s data privacy terms and conditions below:



6. Newsletter

In addition, you may register for our newsletter.

In order to register for our newsletter, you must inform us of your email address.

We use this – on the basis of your consent – exclusively in order to send you event announcements, invitations, notices on upcoming developments, or other information with a direct connection to the Jewish Museum Berlin. Upon registration, you are asked to consent to this data storage with the words “Please send me regular updates by email. I consent to having my details saved for this purpose.”

Your email address is saved until you unsubscribe from our newsletter. You have the ability to unsubscribe at any time using the corresponding link in the newsletter or by sending a message to the contact details listed above.


7. Separately initiated communications

You can establish communication with us by email, via the online contact form, or in person, for example


  • to give us feedback
  • or to make requests


In this context, we store the content of your communication and your contact details in our data processing system, generally on the basis of your consent or to prepare for and carry out a legal transaction with you, in some cases also on the basis of our legitimate interest in its processing. Data will be passed on if your request requires it and either results from the context or is done after consultation with you. If there are no other storage obligations and we have no further legitimate interest in storing the data, we delete the data following the respective process.


8. User account at Jewish Places


Unter können Sie ein eigenes Nutzer*innen-KonAt, you can create your own user account. Using this account, you have the ability to create your own content on Jewish Places and/or edit other users’ content, thereby contributing to the collection of materials there.


a) Purpose and Data

As part of the registration process, we collect from you:

  • A username of your choosing

  • An email address

  • A password of your choosing, although the password itself is not permanently stored, but only a check code (known as a “hash value”)

In the context of further use, we also collect and process:

  • The content you post, which may contain further personal data, and for which you assure us that the publication is legally unobjectionable.

The purpose of the processing is to offer information about Jewish places to the public worldwide and free of charge. The registration information serves the purpose of contacting you in the event of queries and legal problems, as well as to minimize vandalism on the platform.


b) Legal basis

We process your registration data for the sake of fulfilling the contract or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures.

The processing of personal data in the content you have uploaded occurs in fulfillment of our legitimate interest in informing the public about Jewish places.


c) Data transmission and access permissions

Access rights are based on our respective internal authorization concept and the corresponding written contractual agreements with our service providers.

In addition, the uploaded content and by extension the personal data contained therein are made accessible to the public online.


d) Duration of storage

The registration data are stored in this framework until final de-registration from our portal. If you have uploaded content, they are also archived separately – offline – with the exception of the password code. Aside from that, however, they are deleted within the portal in the event of final de-registration.

The uploaded content is made accessible to the public indefinitely. However, deletion will of course take place if rights are or could be violated by its storage.

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